Sunday, June 20, 2010

him :)

when I’m wif him,
I would feel vry happy..
mayb is juz like wat Judai say, he make me feel safe
I trust him..
I can share everything wif him
tell him my story
joke wif him
bt I cant tell him tat..
I like him :(

when he is joking wif my frens,
I'm like eating a lemon..
the feeling is sour!!
I dun like tis..
I should be happy and hav fun wif them together..
bt I juz can't do it..
I wish he is juz belong to me..
belong to me only..
it could nt be a truth..

his dream girl..
has to be a Christian..
because of him..
I noe more bout Christian.. and like it..
I hope I can be a Christian..
or I should say..
I could be wif him if I'm a Christian..
stop dreaming!!
I'm juz his student and yet, fren..

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